As the first part of Pearl Capital’s Trouble In Factor World series, we are introduced to Viney – the man with all the ideas (“Invest in SEO and PPC!” “Search is easy! Don’t worry about those CPA’s baby!”)… But does he have all the answers? It’s no secret that factoring companies are seeing their customers move away from them and into the MCA space and that the factor world is “under attack” from the MCA industry. Factoring companies are scrambling to come up with solutions to retain their customers and remain competitive. Viney wants you to believe that if you enter the digital marketing arena, invest in PPC and SEO you’ll be able to compete, but this isn’t a viable strategy for most companies – it’s a lengthy and expensive strategy that doesn’t guarantee results. To make matters worse, the banks are waking up developing ways to provide capital to customers who would previously turn to factoring for their cash flow issues. What is a factoring company to do? Invest heavily in search? Try to go toe to toe with the banks? Find out in this Trouble In Factor World comic!
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